In traditional window and door fabrication a muntin is one of three components that partition individual panes of glass in a true divided lite window. The other components are the rails and stiles. Stiles are the outermost vertical side member of a window sash or door panel. Rails are the horizontal components separating glass panes or door panels that fit between a pair of stiles. To be a rail, the part must cross the entire width of the opening as one unbroken piece. Top and bottom rails typically have a profile similar to the stiles. Intermediate rails may have a similar profile to the stiles when separating door panels but usually have an identical profile to the vertically placed muntin when separating individual panes of glass.
Although technically incorrect many manufacturers and craftsmen no longer distinguish between intermediate rails and muntins, instead using the term muntin to describe both horizontal and vertical components of the same profile.
Changing technology
Many modern windows and doors with glass now employ simulated divided lite technology, a method of constructing windows in which grids or grilles are affixed to the inside or outside of a panel of insulated glass to simulate the look of a true divided lite window. Ease of construction and ease of maintenance make simulated divided lite window and door glass popular with both manufactures and consumers.
Externally placed, simulated divided lites, may be achieved utilizing a wood grille located on the interior side of a sash and fastened around the perimeter with clips or pins. Insulated glass in doors may be seated between two vinyl frames, with or without molded in grilles, that are secured by screws and sealed with a compression gasket.
Grilles between the glass (GBG)
GBG is now one of the more common methods of simulating divided lites in both windows and doors. This method allows for multiple size and profiles of the grille as well as complex grid configurations. Because the pre-finished grilles are sealed between the insulated glass panes no painting or cleaning of the grilles are required for the life of the window.

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