Joist – a horizontal framing member, that when set in parallel groups support floor or ceiling loads. Joists are used in floor or ceiling framing and are supported by sill plates and girders when framing floors or cap plate when framing ceilings. Deck floor joists are supported by ledgers or metal hangers attached to the rim joists. On larger decks the floor joists may also be supported on centrally located girders.
Wood’s Home Maintenance Service offers solutions for a wide range of building, maintenance and repair needs. Give us a call or click the button below to contact us today for a free estimate.

About Tony Wood
Tony is a life time resident of North Carolina with over 40 years experience in multiple facets of the industrial, commercial and residential construction industry. For the past 33 years he has owned and operated
Wood's Home Maintenance Service, providing services primarily in Johnston, Wake and Sampson Counties of North Carolina. ______________ ______________________________________________________ The information contained in this Blog is opinion derived, from hands on experience of over 40 years in the construction industry and by extensive research by the author. All postulations are referenced to the geographic location in which this experience was gained.