Pier and Curtain Foundation
Pier and Curtain Foundation
Pier and Curtain Foundation – a foundation system where load bearing piers are spaced around the footing with a thin non load bearing curtain wall filling in spaces between the piers.

Pier and curtain foundation detail

pier and curtain foundation viewed from crawl space
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About Tony Wood
Tony is a life time resident of North Carolina with over 40 years experience in multiple facets of the industrial, commercial and residential construction industry. For the past 33 years he has owned and operated
Wood's Home Maintenance Service, providing services primarily in Johnston, Wake and Sampson Counties of North Carolina. ______________ ______________________________________________________ The information contained in this Blog is opinion derived, from hands on experience of over 40 years in the construction industry and by extensive research by the author. All postulations are referenced to the geographic location in which this experience was gained.
hi tony, great site. I have a question. I am having a house built and the builder wants to use a pier and curtain foundation. it is a 1550 sq ft one story house. my question is, does the pier and curtain foundation have the same structural integrity as a full block foundation. the block foundation seem stronger because all the floor joist rest on a sill plate that rests on the block wall where as the pier foundation the joist can be just on the sill?
should i go with the pier or the full block wall in your opinion?
thank you very much.
Hi Bob,
Great question!
your question has been featured and answered in the WHMS Home Talk forum.